Reserve Credits at Alder Creek Restoration Project

The Alder Creek Restoration Project is an aquatic, riparian, and upland forest restoration and enhancement project developed in coordination with the Portland Harbor Natural Resource Trustee Council. The habitat values provided by this Project can be used to offset Natural Resource Damages (NRD) resulting from past industrial use along the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon.



The Project is located on a 52.3-acre property on the southern tip of Sauvie Island, at the divergence of the Willamette River and Multnomah Channel, approximately 10 miles north of downtown Portland, and within the northern extent of the Portland Harbor Study Area (NOAA 2012).



The Project’s created, enhanced, and protected habitats will benefit fish and wildlife resources in the Lower Willamette River, an area that has experienced significant degradation of habitat including channelization, off-channel habitat removal, floodplain removal, silt loading, water temperature increases, and industrial contaminants.



Click here to learn more about the Alder Creek Restoration Project and inquire about reserving credits.