Mitigation Projects

Nookachamps Mitigation Bank

The Nookachamps Wetland Mitigation Bank (“Bank”) is a 282-acre site located along the Skagit River in Skagit County, Washington. Many of the historic forest and wetland habitats in the Skagit River floodplain have been replaced with agricultural uses. As a result, off-channel sloughs, floodplain wetland, and riparian habitats are now limited and severely degraded along most of the lower Skagit River.

The main ecological goal of the Bank is to enhance and restore these much needed habitat types within the Skagit River system and re-establish the critical functions of wetlands and riparian habitats within the historic floodplain. Prior to the restoration activities occurring, the Bank site was actively farmed in row-crops, was hydrologically disconnected from the Skagit River, and provided limited wildlife habitat and wetland functions.

The Bank now consists of 282 acres of re-established floodplain wetlands, floodplain forest, open water channels, and riparian habitats. Historic habitats, hydrologic regimes, and connectivity to the river have been restored through grading, the planting of native vegetation, and the installation of habitat features such as woody debris. The restoration activities at the Bank have successfully enhanced degraded habitats within the Skagit River Basin resulting in improvements to critical water quality and hydrologic functions. The Bank is also within critical habitat for Puget Sound Chinook salmon and bull trout, thus providing important off-channel rearing habitat for Skagit River salmonids.

The implementation of the Bank was the result of Wildlands coordination and partnership with federal, state, and local entities. Wildlands has worked closely with the Interagency Review Team comprised of representatives from EPA, USACE, Washington State Department of Ecology, and other state and local agencies to obtain approval for the mitigation bank.

Project Highlights

Chinook Salmon
  • Within Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 3
  • Provides habitat for Puget Sound Chinook Salmon and Bull Trout
  • Restored habitats include riparian floodplain forest, channels, and floodplain wetland

282 acres

Location: Skagit County, Washington

Mitigation Types

  • Wetland/Waters of the U.S.
  • Salmonids

Service Area

- The wetland credit service area extends within Water Resources Inventory Area 03 (WRIA 03), located in the Lower Skagit River Basin, but is not all encompassing as shown in the service area map.

- Buffer mitigation may be used within Skagit County as approved on a case-by-case basis.


Approving Agencies

  • U.S. Department of Engineers
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Washington Department of Ecology
  • City of Mount Vernon
  • Skagit County

For additional information on the Nookachamps Mitigation Bank, please contact Julie Maddox at (916) 435-3555 or