Vieira Ranch Conservation Bank
The Bank is proposed on a portion of a 3,500-acre cattle ranch (Vieira Ranch) located in unincorporated Alameda County. The Bank property is well-suited for conservation of CTS and CRLF in part because of its density of high-quality breeding habitat. Expansive grasslands within the surrounding property and landscape provide important movement corridors for species such as SJKF and support several special-status birds including tricolored blackbird, BUOW, and golden eagle as evidenced by the large number of occurrences in the vicinity and observations during surveys.

- California Tiger Salamander
- California Red-legged Frog
- Burrowing Owl
- San Joaquin Kit Fox
670 acres
Location: California
Mitigation Types
Service Area
The proposed service area boundaries are in development. The Covered Species service areas will be based on analyses of species’ federal recovery units and biological attributes; the Bank’s contribution to Covered Species and other special-status species habitat protection; local, regional, and federal planning efforts and recovery unit boundaries; and the area necessary to support a conservation bank of this size.
For additional information on the Vieira Ranch Conservation Bank, please contact Julie Maddox at 19167593100 or