Mitigation Inventory Update

Twin Cities Wetland Preserve
Sacramento County, California
Wildlands’ 255-acre Twin Cities Wetland Preserve was established in 2007 and contains 15 acres of restored vernal pool, riparian scrub, and seasonal wetlands and 12 acres of preserved vernal pool wetlands. Located in the Southeastern Sacramento Valley Vernal Pool Region, the site also provides over 200 acres of Swainson’s hawk foraging habitat. Wildlands recently sold the Preserve’s last remaining vernal pool preservation acreage to solve a client’s mitigation obligation associated with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biological opinion. As documented in its most recent annual report, the Preserve is in excellent condition and all biological monitoring performance standards have been met.


Though all habitat mitigation values are sold out at the Twin Cities Wetland Preserve, Wildlands continues to manage the Twin Cities Wetland Preserve and other mitigation sites in the region – please contact us for your mitigation needs.


San Luis Rey Mitigation Bank
Oceanside, San Diego County, California
With the planting now complete, Wildlands has submitted the planting as-built drawings for review and approval by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Approval of the as-built drawings will allow for an additional release of wetland credits equivalent to 25% of the total credits authorized at the Bank. With the initial credit release received in early 2015 nearly sold out, Wildlands is excited to make the next round of credits available for sale in early spring, 2016.

Please contact us today if you anticipate any waters of the U.S. and/or waters of the State impacts and would like to discuss a credit reservation from the upcoming release.


Toad Hill Ranch Mitigation Bank
Placer County, California
Wildlands continues to sell out seasonal wetland creation habitat credits at the Toad Hill Ranch Mitigation Bank as credits are released. The Bank is a 1,600-acre vernal pool and seasonal wetland mitigation bank approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Wildlife.


The Bank was constructed in four phases, and created a total of 43 acres of vernal pools and 55 acres of seasonal wetlands, in addition to 10 acres of preserved vernal pools and 1,490 acres of Swainson’s hawk foraging habitat. Wildlands will be conducting an agency site visit this spring to review site conditions in order to request the next credit release associated with the successful performance of the Year 4 standards of Phases I & II.

Contact us for any vernal pool or seasonal wetland mitigation needs in the region.