Rogue Valley Conservation and Mitigation Bank

We concluded our final year (Year 5) of monitoring on the Rogue Valley Conservation and Mitigation Bank and are planning to request another credit release this summer. The Bank site is looking great and we continue to meet the pre-determined performance standards for vernal pool vegetation, hydrology, vernal pool fairy shrimp, and large-flowered woolly meadow foam.

Over the years, native plant species richness within the vernal pools increased 25% (from 20 species to 25 species). Managed grazing has remained an important tool on the Bank. Grazing is used to remove the previous year’s dry grass (i.e. thatch) which allows the native species to thrive and the vernal pools to retain their original size.

In 5 years, the total number of large-flowered woolly meadowfoam individuals (a federally endangered plant) almost tripled from 2,280 in 2012 to 6,613 in 2016.

The Bank offers general wetland credits, vernal pool fairy shrimp credits, or combination (both wetland and fairy shrimp) credits in the pre-approved service area which includes Jackson County and portions of Douglas, Klamath, and Josephine counties.

To get the most recent update on credit releases check out our blog, Mitigation and Conservation Banks Update.
