Introducing the Wildlands Mitigation Portal

Environmental regulations, including the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Water Act, are far from ambiguous in requiring that impacts to the public’s natural resources must be mitigated. As straightforward as that may be, it becomes complicated when responsible project proponents, progressive consultants, and equitable regulators are figuring out exactly how to satisfy those mitigation requirements.

Mitigation Portal Welcome Screen

With these industry complexities in mind, we are excited to announce the launch of our new Wildlands Mitigation and Conservation Bank mapping tool, the Mitigation Portal. This web-based mapping application is the first of its kind, and will become an invaluable resource in your research of mitigation solutions.

Wildlands’ Mitigation Portal is an easily pannable and searchable mapping and satellite imagery tool that will bring the habitat mitigation and species mitigation world to your fingertips. Created with a user-friendly and intuitive interface, the Wildlands Mitigation Portal was designed with agency personnel, project proponents, and the environmental conservation community at large in mind.

Conservation Bank and Mitigation Bank Search Menu

The Mitigation Portal will allow you to easily:

• Access habitat and species mitigation projects

• Pan and search map and satellite imagery

• Search by bank type (credit or habitat type)

• Search by location

By clicking the name of any Bank, a pop-up window conveniently displays all of that bank’s pertinent information including credit types, acreages, service areas, approving agencies, pictures and more. Using this Mitigation Portal, you will be better informed regarding all potential mitigation solutions available, making you the mitigation expert.

Explore the new Mitigation Portal

Questions about our new Mitigation Portal?  Contact us today.

Click on your Bank and credit type of choice to see the approved Service Area for that mitigation credit. Pictured: Service area for Gilsizer Slough South Giant Garter Snake Conservation Bank, Sutter County, CA.
Switch between the "Map" and "Satellite" views to enhance your geographic perspective of our protected landscapes. Pictured: Musket Bay Mitigation Bank in southeast Georgia.